Version 1: Feb
Version 2: May/June
This all began as a tribute to my favourite book from childhood (and still is to this day) that had such a big influence on my life. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for Brian Jacques' book, Redwall, it got me inspired in so many ways that its almost an obsession (despite the snobbery of my disapproving mother).
"Why you always animals and Redwall, draw humans!"...*shudder*Anyway, when a personal project came up in my Foundation Art and Design (Illustration) course I felt the need to do tribute to it... I mean a really serious tribute. I thought I'd try to design some characters as if for a film, making them with a teenage+ audience in mind.

The cartoon adaptation is all well and good, but now days I feel its been dumbed down for a young audience too much, missing out dark and violent themes that sometimes pop up in the book. O' how I wish that the book got a new adaptation and not be afraid to stick to the dark bits... sort of like how Lord of the Rings or Lovely Bones did with their source.
*cough* Hint, Hint, Peter Jackson *cough cough*So, trying to get over the embarrassment of explaining my aim to my tutors (thanks Mum for the scared confidence *
sarcastic grin*) I got on to planning out three characters,
Cluny the Scourge and one of his soldiers (in this case his second in command,
Redtooth.) I don't know why I wasn't planning to do the heroes, I suppose they don't hold the same artistic interest for me, except
Basil Stag Hare, who was also being brainstormed.
I had foolishly hoped to be able to do three character sheet for the one week of the project, planning at collage and doing the outcomes at home on Photoshop (for I needed my tablet). However, it's very hard to concentrate in my home, as I have so little room and its in the lounge where my Mum watches the TV loudly. Why do all my problems seem to stem from her? Haha!
Someone get me a head shrink!

So, therefore, I could only
just manage Asmodeus (left) . I was pleased with him, so I decided to continue on regardless of collage.
I moved onto Redtooth next, as Cluny is my favourite character I thought it best to get some rat practice in before I make a mess of him, and looking at the cartoon series version of him (see above) I somehow got it into my head that he should be a tad gender confused. Version 1 was based around this idea, with a hint of a bar under the shirt. I also based his body on the Southern

Giant Slender-Tailed Cloud Rat (name just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it?) because I think it suited his name.
But, as time went on I became displeased with the fellow. I put it on the rack to fester and did some other things before coming back.
No no no no! I needed to do the fellow all over again. I hated everything about him, the face, the body, the clothes and how I was painting him in Photoshop. Problem was I was painting him digitally the same way I painted Asmodeus. They were two different surfaces, scaly vs fury, that didn't work together. Again, Red' was put on hold as I concentrated on the Final Major Project (see Chimera post in May.) As I was pleasantly surprised about the results of the FMP, it seems best that Red' should be painted digitally the same way I painted traditionally...well, that's the theory.
Fingers Crossed...