Seeing as I have no time to set up my easel and paints, yet having the art itch, I decided to start on the drawing I plan to do after the Panda Leopard. Its going to be digital and a scene from Phantom of the Opera, one of my favourite books and movie (the one based off the musical).
I wasn't sure if I wanted to go with the Webber version or the original Leroux's book version... ...Nah! I'll go with the original description, he needs some love and I've hardly seen any fan art of him. I must say I do like the 'skull' face version better. Don't get me wrong, if I had to choose I wouldn't be kicking the half-face one out of bed, yet, as a character, he isn't as interesting. Also, he never seemed that tragic, and the deformation wasn't
that bad, not bad enough to be monstrous. I suppose the make-up would have been too much for the musical/theatre stage.

The scene I plan is the moment when Christine has just taken off his mask...yep, that iconic over-done scene (ha!), so she's been designed too. The first is a bit too childlike for my taste, I know she's supposed to be innocent but I still don't want her looking like a 12 year old. The second was the exact opposite, too mature and a little cold. That design would have suited Charlotta rather than Christine. The last is a better version of the first, widening the eyes and giving her a forehead.
As for the Phantom (or Erik as he's more commonly referred to in the book) was pretty much the same. I start by drawing a basic skull outline and then deciding how to exaggerate it. For some reason the second head looks more Voldemort than Opera Ghost. In the end I loved the forth one, after some thinking ( I liked the second for a while, despite the Voldemort alarm beeping in my head). His long face makes him look more miserable (just like that saying "Why the long face?") and not too obviously skull-like.