By the time I got an -almost-decent flesh tone I lost interest in the whole image. Besides, its not what I'm actually after. I want to paint something with a bit more…well more, to it.
Why is there a
Moeritherium in the background? Well, there was this article on how to find your totem animal, not a serious thing though, and I thought I'd give it ago (I can't remember the specifics as it was about two years ago) for the fun of it. Fell asleep and what did I get… a fricking Moeritherium (a prehistoric relative of the elephant) in a car park… THE HELL?! I know we can't pick and choose our totems, but still...pretty obscure ain't it? What the hell does that totem represent?
Elephant: (
from this website)
“Ancient Power, Strength, Royalty
*An Elephant totem gives you ancient wisdom and power to draw upon. It embodies strength and power.
*Elephant people often have a very strong sex drive.
*Through the use of fragrances and incense, Elephant can guide you to new energies and power.
*Elephant people show great affection to their families, caring for the young and the elderly. *They also have an inborn knowledge of roots and plants.
*An Elephant will give you insight into the power of the three feminine energies: child, mother and old wise woman (or crone).
*The Hindu god Ganesh, god of overcoming obstacles, is associated with the Elephant
…so what would all that mean with a prehistoric/extinct element?
WAIT, I have a “very strong sex drive”?!? haha! Yeah right…perhaps that’s the extinct part.