Silvisaurus (bottom left) Allosaurus (bottom right) Female Ornithocheirus (top left) Omeisaurus (top middle) Cedarpella (top right)

Barney the Dinosaur - Carnivores left alone with children...who thought that would end well?

Fictional Dinosaur: Silexraptor ("Flint Raptor")


A pissed off Ankylosaurus

Human and a creeping Dilophosaurus

Human being attacked by Ornithocheirus while Compsognathus looks on

Seeing as the holidays were coming up it seemed unwise to start a new project, especially as I've been roped into work overtime quite a bit. So I have just done a couple of Dinosaur related thumbnails/quick sketches in response to a MEME on DeviantArt. I must admit it was nice just to do some quick stuff and not take it too seriously. I can always expand on them some other time.