When I heard that the Off White Comic Creators were holding a mini-contest on DeviantArt.com I just had to drop everything and give it a bash (after all, my mid-year revolution is to enter more art-based contests).
Based from my hatred of biological racism humans have towards animals. My mother hates the Wood Pigeons that frequent the trees near our windows for the soul reason that they are pigeons, she'd much rather have blue tits and robins... because they're "cute". No matter how much I debate with her that its unfair to show prejudice for no reason (the pigeon doesn't make a noise or a mess - the black birds do more) but its like arguing with a child.
Its the same globally, we much rather try and save a fluffy and cute tiger or panda than a scaly reptile that is equally or more endangered...
And rats are a fine example. They are almost identical to a squirrel, apart from the bushy tail, and yet they are treated so differently (and yes, I did take that comparison out from the movie Inglorious Bastards ) ... and I was already painting a rat based picture.
Anyway...wish me luck.
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