*cough sniff cough cough * ... blasted cold... *sniff* Can't believe I survived work with this.
*cough* In ArtRage I loosely laid down some colour and shapes that may work abstractly. That lower right corner is not looking right so I'll have to change that, I'll also have to think how Stonefleck is going to 'join' with the painting. The colour of the background might also change, though I'm not too concerned with that yet.
Once tone is laid down in ArtRage I'll export the file into Photoshop and lay down some abstract brush strokes (as the ArtRage version I have doesn't have Custom Brush settings- I don't know if the newest version does) while fixing anything to delicate for ArtRage's bulky painterly style.
Once tone is laid down in ArtRage I'll export the file into Photoshop and lay down some abstract brush strokes (as the ArtRage version I have doesn't have Custom Brush settings- I don't know if the newest version does) while fixing anything to delicate for ArtRage's bulky painterly style.