Monday 29 August 2011



Here he is! My second favourite character from Primal. Prince Jared... Must admit when I was looking at the original concept art I couldn't help admire his 'package' (yes, I am that perverted - or frustrated- to notice these things.) haha!

I always found it strange that Jared is wearing a Wolf skin when he's supposed to be from another dimension/realm/universe ect. Bulls were also mentioned. Not to mention Elizabeth's 'pet' rat.... odd.
Man! I really need to stop thinking too much into this.

Friday 26 August 2011

Herne and Devena


Some more Primal fan art. This shouldn't have taken as long as it did. Idleness struck with the grey English weather.

Jeez…and Herne’s supposed to be the only king of Oblivion that doesn’t try to kill you. That Malkai (werewolf-like creature) doesn’t get the same treatment. Perhaps that’s a game in the forever dark and snowy Solum, WACK-A-MALKAI! Or Malkai-Clubbing for their fur… ... ... I'm thinking way too much into this.
I like the expression of the Steed. He pretty much sums up my mood at the moment.

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Jen: Jeez...he's looking at me.
Scree: Maybe he can hear you too...

Yes...he can... and he's not impressed. There he is, plugged into a machine going through physical pain so that all the realms can exist and there you go insulting him... well done Jen.

I'm in the mood for some Primal fanart. I love the PlayStation 2 game sooooooooooo (x1000) much! The character designs by Mark Gibbons are just so inspiring, with strong and distinctive silhouettes and well thought uniqueness to them.
I was planning to do baby versions of the main characters, but it turned into chibi's (or something very similar) of almost every single character. It seemed madness to me at first, but when this painting only took one hour and 45 minutes I became more optimistic.

These will be nice to loosen up and quicken my work flow.

Sunday 14 August 2011


The Decayer (physically and morally) and we've just stumbled on him picking through a larder. Quick, close the DOOR!
Inspired by the character Cheesetheif, from Brian Jacques' book Redwall.
I must admit I'm not to thrilled with this. The grayscale painting was better, but once I was adding environmental shading and effects it got a bit...blah!
Probably didn't help that I stopped halfway through to paint the previous post. Oh well, I learnt how to paint texture with a non-texture brush by varying your strokes, like on the legs where it's a building up of short directional strokes to suggest fur.

Monday 8 August 2011

Prejudice and Acceptance


When I heard that the Off White Comic Creators were holding a mini-contest on I just had to drop everything and give it a bash (after all, my mid-year revolution is to enter more art-based contests).

Based from my hatred of biological racism humans have towards animals. My mother hates the Wood Pigeons that frequent the trees near our windows for the soul reason that they are pigeons, she'd much rather have blue tits and robins... because they're "cute". No matter how much I debate with her that its unfair to show prejudice for no reason (the pigeon doesn't make a noise or a mess - the black birds do more) but its like arguing with a child.
Its the same globally, we much rather try and save a fluffy and cute tiger or panda than a scaly reptile that is equally or more endangered...
And rats are a fine example. They are almost identical to a squirrel, apart from the bushy tail, and yet they are treated so differently (and yes, I did take that comparison out from the movie Inglorious Bastards ) ... and I was already painting a rat based picture.

Anyway...wish me luck.