Wednesday 24 October 2012

the Wendigo & the Reindeer

The blog title may sound like the strangest (gruesomest) children's story known to Man, but its all linked.

Well, I’ve been getting pestered by my family members to paint some Christmas cards and I have been trying my damn hardest to convince them I won’t. I had this cringing notion that they would want me to do sickly cute angels, robins, winter scenes ect ect ect… but I’ve been given freedom to do what I want (hell! They ain’t paying, so they get what they get! No complaining, haha!)

I was going to tease them and paint this Wendigo sketch (as I was reading up on the myth and felt inspiration kick me), just to spite them in a ‘I ain’t painting no cute robin’ sort of rebellion, but my mood improved.

I was brainstorming Christmas-y stuff when I came across Santa’s nine reindeer.
( By the way, why, in the media, do these reindeer never look like reindeer? Why does a fallow deer with red deer antlers seem a better design choice?…and also why do they still have antlers, male reindeer shed their antlers by winter, only female reindeer keep their antlers…. Why am I questioning the logic of flying deer? ) Their names interested me and evoked a lot of imagery in my head, more than any other idea I jotted down, especially Donna and Blizten (which means ‘Thunder’ and ‘Lightning’ in the Germanic tongue). Even Rudolf has a strange name, the name has ‘wolf’ as part of its meaning. A deer with ‘wolf’ for a name, that’s curious, it’s like naming a mouse ‘cat’.

So this is Comet, the one I wanted to do most (for unknown reasons) the celestial reindeer. I had a lot of fun painting this. That space scene frightened me a first, but I found it quite fun. John Howe’s gorgeous Tiamat/Dragon of Chaos painting and Terryl Whitlatch’s Nebula ( sorry, can’t seem to find an online link) were great inspirations.

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