Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Life of a Panda Leopard

Can you imagine a male giant panda getting frisky snow leopard? Its hard enough to get them to breed with their own kind, never mind the literal impossibility of anything being conceived. None the less that is the background of Patrick O'Brian's book, Caesar: The Life Story of a Panda Leopard, first published in 1930 when O'Brian was only 15 years old. Here you can read the first few pages online on Amazon.com .

Anyway, I must say I'm slightly fond with this book and its defiantly has a re-reading value (the fact it only has 101 pages probably helps too). And the character, the impossible Panda-Leopard hybrid interested me. Would he look more like a Panda or a Snow Leopard? Would he look like a Leopard with Panda markings?
So I've decided to do a book cover, it'd be good practice. Below are the two existing covers I have found. I must admit I prefer my Harper Collins publication with Arthur Wardle's "The Resting Leopard" on the cover, though at least the other was drawn for the purpose of the book rather than lifted from somewhere else (for one it ain't even a snow leopard). There are also a few illustrations in the book by Jane Conway, yet they show something that again looks very normal, in leopard terms.

It'll get me used to having to plan a piece with measurements of a book cover and have to think about things like text placement.
First off I'm going to re-read the book for ideas, like I said its only 101 pages so it won't take me long. Meanwhile I'll do some research.

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